Well, I wanted to write an in depth review of the new Symbian^3 platform. I couldn't get my hands on a device to loan for a week (none of my friends have an S^3 device), so I thought I'd ask Nokia themselves if they can provide one. Guess what the answer was? None. Well, I thought, let's try on twitter, because they've replied to my questions on twitter before. So I've sent a direct message to @ovibynokia a while ago, after I waited for 2-3 weeks for an answer from the press office that never came. Well, this time I got no answer from the twitter guys too.
THIS WAS MY LAST ATTEMPT TO A FAIR AND IMPARTIAL POINT OF VIEW. I guess they made this personal, since I have had some history with Mr. "Expert" Tomuta on their forum. These guys just don't know how to hold on to their customers. Either they don't care because they have such a big market share, or as I said before, they made it personal. Either way, they should keep in mind that customers leave one by one. I hope, for the sake of Nokia, that something on the company policy level changes or they'll be diving even more that they did till now. I didn't intend to make this post a political speech but I see no other way to get trough to them.
NOKIA! Why do you think you're making budget cuts? Why do you think you're firing people? Why do you think you're getting only negative feedback on your software and OS?
If you are not willing to give a hand to someone who's trying to actually provide some exposure for your products, what chance does average Joe have? Ask yourselves this.
I think there are more people who care about Nokia outside the company (mostly the user base) than inside the company. More and more devoted fans of Nokia and Symbian have abandoned ship, and with the closing of the Symbian Foundation, it is clear to me and many more that you have failed your customers, and will keep failing until you run aground, or you wake the hell up.
UPDATEI've just been contacted by the Nokia guys, it seems they missed my message. Even so, I'm still reserved about the resolution of this thing.
UPDATE 2After talking with the guys from WOMWorld/Nokia, I just got confirmation that they sent me a Nokia C7 for the in depth review of the Symbian^3 OS. I will also do a review of the C7's features, so stay tuned.