NO WIDGETS! Very important to remember. So I use either the default MM homescreen or LauncherPro. LauncherPro was the only homescreen app that loaded in 2-3 seconds with this setup after it's closed. I do not have the launcher locked in memory, because I found some apps(Angry Birds Seasons and some others) that need more RAM than it's available. So now, after I run some memory intensive app, the launcher gets killed, but when I return to the homescreen I have it up and running in maximum 3 seconds. As I said before my goal was a very fast loading of the homescreen application, and not how much RAM the app eats while running.
A fast start of the launcher cancels the need to have a low memory homescreen, because now it can be killed at any time and load very quickly when needed. Now I don't know how much RAM LauncherPro eats up, and I frankly no longer care. I am very happy with this setup and have been using it for some days now. I replaced my Twitter and Facebook widgets with shortcuts to the full fledged apps.